Hair Style for Round Face

you are a woman with long hair? have you ever tried to change your hairstyle to be shorter? As it turns out if a woman with a short haircut model, he'll look smart you know. You are curious about this information? for more information, please refer to the following information from SituSaja

Pixie hairstyle (

Many ways to make yourself look smart. If the glasses are usually so reliable, now try making a shorter haircut. In fact, according to the study, women with short hair, are considered more intelligent.

Professor Marianne LaFrance of Yale University, USA, conducted a study to see how it affects women's haircuts views of others to him. The result was a short-haired women are considered more intelligent than those with long hair.

The research was conducted by showing the participants, five photographs of the same woman with different hair styles. That short hair, curly long, no hair, bob hairstyles and long straight hair.

The participants were then asked to provide an assessment of the same woman with different hair styles. This assessment-related intelligence and an open mind.

     "The most traditional hair style is a long straight, indicating assessment was too intelligent woman," said Lafrance, as quoted from

He connects femininity and long hair. The survey results revealed, the more traditional and more feminine haircut, then a woman is increasingly considered to be too clever.

Hopefully the information we have given this time for you. And do not forget to listen to information that is no less interesting

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